Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The last power soccer practice for the month.

Last weekend, was my final week to play power soccer for a whole month! We had a tournament with three teams playing all the parents which was really funny because our team played against all of the dads there (including mine)! My dad tried to turn off my power chair during the game but he was unsuccesful and I made a goal! Our team won so he had a playoff of the best two teams which was the championship game and the result was a tie. Our team tried to break the tie but we couldn't. Overall from this month, power soccer has been pretty easy and fun if only parts from the power chair are in the right spot where l want them to be. Here is a picture of our team. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Today is my first Edge class since being in homeschool

I'm very happy that l will meet some of my friends at Edge bible study and I am hoping that l won't be so focused on other stuff, like l did last year. When l go to Edge tonight, my dad is going to tell one of the edge volunteers to hopefully put me in a group with friends that l know.  I have high hopes that this year is going to be better than last year!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My first power soccer practice

On Saturday, Mom, Dad, Caleryn and me went to Houston to have my practice with other kids. The coach told all of the kids, including me, that we have to be in a certain position at the beginning of the game, so that the other team doesn't zoom by one of our teammates and scores. When we started playing the actual game, I passed the ball to another teammate and she scored for us but, that game was a tie. Now for the next game, the other team lost because I was the goally. They tried to shoot a goal but I blocked it. Overall, l thought it was pretty fun and l enjoyed it.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Book report on Anne Frank

Yesterday I finished my book and, I thought that it was interesting that Anne Frank hid behind a bookshelf in her dad's job called the Secret Annex. I think that Anne Frank was very strong because her family was bugleralized probably twice, she heard guns firing at nights and the man who gives her family food, got caught for holding Jews. Now, all they have for food is some leftover potatoes and something else. Her diary is like my blog but my blog dosen't talk about how cute a person is or how much I love him. Non of that junk. Now for my blog, it talks about special events in my life. Anyway, the book was a good read and I learned a little bit from it. Now we will go on another field trip to the Holocast museum!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Homeschool field trip #3

Four days ago, mom, dad, Caleryn and me went to nana's and papa's house to go to the George Bush presidential library. On Sunday we went to Dallas to go to the library but when we got to Dallas we got lost because Dallas has changed so much since the last time we were here during hurricane Ike. When we got there, I saw steel from the Twin Towers bent and twisted like its play-doe, I saw videos of George Bush reading to kids who aren't that educated when the terrorist attacks happened. I learned that George Bush was not only governor of Texas but he was also a manager of the Texas Ranchers. I learned he is a very holy man and he cares about America a lot and worked hard to set people free in other countries. While we were visiting nana and papa's I got to see papa's two sisters Vicki and Valerie, his brother Mike and Crazy Carol. The house was crowed with hogs so we got to stay in a hotel. We had fun!