Friday, October 31, 2014


I'm doing Latin for homeschool because mom said that if you know Latin, you will probably do better on the SAT's to get into college. I also want to know it in case we ever go to Italy to see the Pope, I might know what they are saying in mass. So far l learned; nauta (this is how to say it: nowta) means: salor, agricola (roll the "r" in agricola) means: farmer, sum means: l am, et means: both or and, nōn means: not, cogito means: l think, ergo means: therefore, es means: you are and poēta means: poet.  I'm sorry but l got to admitt that l think I'm better at Latin than my dad!

Can anybody figure out how to say these sentences properly....? Answer is at the bottom.
1. Agricola sum et poēta es.
2. Es cogito et Agricola et nauta.

1. I am a farmer and you are a poet.
2. I think you are both a farmer and a salor. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Homeschool field trip #4

About 4 weeks ago, l finished reading my diary of Anne Frank book. After l finished it, we wanted to go to the Holocast museum, in Houston. My parents stalled for 3 weeks until we actually went to the Holocast museum! When we got there, we got in a actual part of a World War ll train and it was hot. It was a hundred degrees in that thing! I can't imagine if 100 Jews got in there with the door shut and no food or water and barly no air! I learned that if l was born back then l would also have been killed because Germans audomadicaly kill disabled or weak people. They not only hated Jews but also gays and gypsies. After we left the Holocast museum, we watched a movie called Schindlers List to see how harsh the Germans were to the Jews. Couldn't take any pictures inside the museum so there's not much to look at down below.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Book report on Lord of the Flies

I just finished Lord of the Flies yesterday! It was a pretty good book too. The main characters in Lord of the Flies are; Piggy, Ralph, Jack, Sam and Simon. The summary about the book is that the kids were on a plane and it crashed onto a island. Now they have to survive until they get rescued. At the end of the book, Jack and the littluns turned on Ralph because they got tired of doing the dirty work for Ralph. Jack thought that hunting for food was neccessary not being rescued. Jack wanted to set the whole island on fire to kill Ralph but the army saw the fire and rescued Ralph and the others. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Am I smarter than some people in America?

Three days ago, we went to go eat out and dad was talking about how dumb people are because they didn't know who Joe Biden. He asked me if l knew who is the Vice President. They should've made a show called, "Are You Smarter than America?"

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The new renovation of our house

Last week - today we've been buying a new matress for my bed, buying new adjustable bed for dads back, buying new reclinable chairs, buying new couches and new carpet for the living room. My new reclinable chair is comfy, in fact, l almost took a nap in it while l was studying my definition words! If mom bought a dark brown carpet for the living room, l am going to be mad because when mom was looking on the ipad for a carpet when we first had this house, and l suggested a brown one but, she said that we already have dark colors in this house. I could have swore that she said that!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Happy birthday Nana

Happy birthday Nana. I hope you have an awesome birthday party and lots of presents. P.S I love you Nana!