Friday, May 30, 2014

The summary about my book, the Outsiders

The main characters in the Outsiders are, Ponyboy Curtis, Darry, Soda, Jonny, Two Bit, Dally and Cherry Vance. I would rather be a greaser than a soc. Even though the greasers usally get jumped by the socs and they are usually poorer, they seem to be better people. My favorite character is Jonny because he saved 5 kids when the church caught on fire. He had a broken back because a piece of wood fell on it. Jonny was taken to the hospital and died there. My favorite part in the book was when Jonny saved all of those kids in that fire! I liked this book because it seemed very interesting to me and I would recomind you to read this book!

Next book to read...The Diary of Anne Frank

1 comment:

  1. It's great that you're reading these books, keep it up. I have heard that the diary of ann frank is very good and also something you won't forget.
