Thursday, August 20, 2015


Yesterday l got my envsiline braces. The worst part of the whole thing is when the dentists put sour stuff on my teeth and it was so gross! It was a really quick visit since they took X-ray pictures of each tooth last time I went to get the molds. My mom says that it is better than regular braces because I don't have to go back every three weeks to get adjustments. Instead they give me 10 trays and I have to use a new tray every week. The first and second day have been the worst (pain wise) so far. My mom has to brush my teeth every time I eat now before I put them back on, good thing me and Caleryn got our teeth cleaned the day before. This way they will stay clean all the time! If you would've looked at my teeth with the braces on, you'll probably wouldn't notice it because the braces are clear. One good thing is that l only have to wear them for 18 months but, my mom said that it's probably more painful than wearing regular braces because I have to wear a new tray every week.


  1. I think that the pain you get from your braces will be worth it in the long run. You have a nice smile already. Once you do not have to wear your braces anymore you will have a smile that lights up the entire room. I am a mother of two boys and have not had to deal with braces. My oldest son said if he ever had to get braces he would want some like you. He said, “ People would never know I ever had to wear braces!”

  2. Sounds like a combination of braces and a retainer - the worse of both worlds. I had braces for almost five years in total, so you'll get no sympathy from me on only having them for 18 months. Then again, it does seem pretty terrible to have to change your tray every week. I remember the braces only being bad when I went in for a tightening.

    Christy Hodges @ Smile Designers

  3. I think that the pain you get from your braces will be worth it in the long run. You have a nice smile already. Once you do not have to wear your braces anymore you will have a smile that lights up the entire room. I am a mother of two boys and have not had to deal with braces. My oldest son said if he ever had to get braces he would want some like you. He said, “ People would never know I ever had to wear braces!”

    Dora Ingram @ CGDDS

  4. I wish they had this option available when I had my braces. They were horrible. I was always cutting my lip and food got stuck in them. It was bad. At least with the trays, you don't have to worry about all of that. The pain will definitely be worth it in the end.

    Bennie Chandler @ Pine Creek Dental
