Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Fireballs charity event

This year the Fireballs charity event wasn't fair for the Dynamo Dash at all. The biggest difference between our team and the Dynamo Dash is that we have five kids with Strike Force chairs and we practice every Saturday. On the other hand, the Dynamo Dash only plays power soccer when this event happens. Plus, the score was 15:0; it was almost too easy, they should really practice more! I did get a goal though before ten minutes was up. I didn't get to play that much because the coach wanted me to be goalie. I think I might of got in trouble for not using my peripheral vision. I think I might need a rear view mirror! Maybe next year it'll be more fair for the Dynamo/Dash players. Anyway, when I first started warming up, most of the Elders from Camp Blessings came up behind me like a bunch of ninjas and said hi to me. And then, just as l thought everyone that knows me was there, another ninja nicknamed Kitty Purry came to watch me play. The funny thing is that my mom and dad didn't recognize her because she dyed her hair brown! I was so surprised that they came! All in all the whole event was pretty cool. Especially when some of my friends from Camp Blessings took the time to come to watch me play. That was really nice of them to do that. 

P.S I just thought of a new nickname for Jaycee Wright and it is Karen the Cougar from the movie Talladega Nights.  

P.SS If you don't get that, it's okay. I'm just being a dork right now. 

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