Friday, March 31, 2017
The trip to Colorado
For my last confirmation class my group secretly planned a party for me. Ms. Jeanne brought pizza and tons of chocolate. The best part about the party is that there was a Wii hooked up. I tried to play Mario Kart but my hand was super hard to pry open so I couldn't grab onto the controller. Another problem is that I hold the controller vertically instead of horizontally because I'm not good at having to grab something with both hands especially when they are tight. It was a little sad having to leave my friends even though I will come back when I'm confirmed. Right after confirmation class, my family left to go to Nanna and Papa's house in Forney. During the drive my mom heard a sound coming from the wheel. On the next day my dad and my Papa took a look at the car and found out that one bolt was coming off. If that would have happened a wheel would've come off and we would of been stranded during the drive to Amarillo. Thank goodness they fixed it because that would have sucked! Later on my Nanna made me chicken fried steak with a strawberry cake topped with strawberry icing (which my mom made) for my sixteenth birthday. Everything tasted awesome! The next day we started heading towards Wichital Falls for a nice break from sitting in the car. So we took a walk at Lucy Park to find the waterfalls. Once we found the waterfalls, my mom took some pictures of me, Caleryn and my dad sitting by the waterfall. Then we headed to Amarillo. We found a hotel and stayed for the night. The air conditioner in our room sounded like it was an animal squealing in pain! It was so annoying! Unbelievably, Caleryn slept through all of the commotion. Eventually after half of the night of being sleepless my dad finally asked the help desk to see if we could switch rooms. The new room we moved to was much more peaceful. The next day we ate breakfast at Cracker Barrel and I had a burger and fries because I'm not a big fan of eating breakfast but I will, if I have to. After all of us ate, we stopped at a route 66 store. What I bought is a t-shirt that shows the rout of route 66 on the map. The next stop we made was at Cadillac Ranch. I didn't get to go and see the up side down cars up close because my mechanical wheelchair wouldn't be able to go over the cattle guard and they were in the middle of a big field; so Caleryn and my dad went over there to take some pictures. From there to a little past the border of Texas was all desert. We could see buttes and plateaus. After we finally got out of Texas and into New Mexico the landscape started to change. It started to become hilly and we saw more trees. We saw a sign along the road saying that the elevation was already 6,000 feet above sea level and signs along the road that said "watch out for bears"! My head started to hurt but every time my parents asked me if my head is hurting, I said no because I don't like complain. Why? Maybe because I don't want to deal with the trouble of speaking in the car where it's hard for my mom to look at my lips and I will most likely get interrupted by Caleryn; or because I am not a milenial or "snowflake", I don't want to be a guy who complains all of the time just to get his way. Also, my head wasn't hurting too bad anyway. So I just took a nap hoping my headache would go away when I woke up and it did. We were going to drive up to see the crest of Capulin Volcano but had to turn around because we were just 10 minutes late from them closing the drive up. Anyway, when we finally got to Colorado it started to become cold and windy. The drive was awesome because I could see snow capped mountains off in the distance. Caleryn was super excited to see snow for the first time. So my dad stopped the car on the side of the road and let Caleryn play in the snow for a little bit. When we left she started crying because she wanted to play longer, so my dad gave her a snowball to hold on to to calm her down. We decided to stay at a hotel in Colorado Springs for the night since none of our furniture had gotten to the apartment yet. On Sunday morning we made our way to the apartment in Lakewood because the movers was going to be there around noon (one day early)! I felt sorry for the movers because they had to move all of our future all the way to the fifth floor. The thing that I was most excited about getting back was my F-5 power chair. I desperately needed my tray back because it is sturdy and doesn't move around unlike the iPad holder on the mechanical wheelchair that I had to use. The movers had to come the next day too because they forgot some stuff and had to take the rest to our storage unit. It is pretty hard to move around with all of the boxes in the apartment, so my mom has been unpacking everything and my dad has been gathering truck full loads of boxes to the trash container in the car garage daily. I think that the biggest change to my dad's new job is that he can come home for lunch now because he's so close and he's home at 5 now, which is awesome instead of having to drive for and hour and a half. I can't really say what I like about Colorado quite yet because lately the weather hasn't been the greatest and we haven't done any outdoor activities yet but we will once we get used to altitude though.
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