Friday, June 16, 2017

Caleryn's Preschool Program

So Caleryn had her end of the year preschool program at Our Lady of Fatima. Now, remember she was only there for one month....and it showed!!😂😖 She came out well, like a princess waving to everyone and it all went downhill from there. The first song they sang was the ABC song and she was kinda into it. Next was the I'm a Little Teapot song and she did the movements for that song. Then after that, the next seven songs she just stood there frozen like a bumb on a log!! She was in good company because two other kids at the the end of the lines were not participating either. I wonder if the teachers put those kids at the ends on purpose..the slackers! One little boy looked like he was just exhausted and rubbed his eyes the entire time. One little girl just completely turned her body around in order to not participate. And then there was Caleryn, just standing there frozen! She seems to have a pattern of doing the same thing at her last two preschool programs and her dance recital. She acts like  a crazy clown all the time at home but when she gets in front of a crowd she freezes for some reason. It was actually really funny watching all the kids perform.

That same weekend, we went Red Rocks Amphlitheater where they play concerts. You really can't explain a lot of what you see here because pictures just don't do it justice, you have to see it in person. It's pretty much and open air concert in the Rocky Mountains. It's supposed to have awesome sound. We haven't been to a concert yet but it looks pretty cool.

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