I haven't played power soccer in 7 months, so I wanted to go to this camp to get back in line before my first practice with my new Denver team The Rolling Rapids on Thursday, August 17th at 7pm.
Once we finally got everything loaded, we stopped at La Peep for breakfast and my dad looked up directions to Sioux Falls, South Dakota and finally we got started on the road. At around two hours of driving I got tired of sitting in the truck with no sound, you see, my dad broke his antenna so we have no radio in the truck. I told my dad to put on some music so my dad asked the Siri for Bluetooth audio and when she repeated it, my mom made fun of her because of the way she says the word Bluetooth. It sounds like Bluethooth. My favorite songs that I like to listen to is the Guardians of the Galaxy songs vol. 1 and vol. 2. When we got to Nebraska, my dad turned on Don Williams because there was nothing but corn fields. After he did that he said, "good luck not going to sleep". It was so boring! I eventually got tired of listening to that music and told him to change it to something else. We started seeing some Indian Reservations and housing which was different. And that's when my dad got pulled over for speeding through a town with a 25mph limit. Luckily the police officer just let him go and didn't even ask for his license. My mom kinda got mad because we really did everything last minute with this trip and she likes to stop at interesting places. She realized that we were semi close to Mount Rushmore but it was in the opposite direction that we were going. We really didn't have a lot of time to waste so we kept on going and finally arrived to Sioux Falls at around 12am central time. Part of the reason we got there so late is because my dad just passed by the town on the highway. He thought that there was going to be some hotels further along the highway, but there wasn't. Although, we did see one hotel and my dad went inside to see if they have any rooms but they were booked. It was probably a good thing because while we were waiting in the truck, there was a big group of people gathered outside the hotel and two of the guys started fighting and pushing each other. The check-in lady said to my dad that there might be something back in Sioux Falls. So my mom made my dad do a big loop back to the town. By the time we found a hotel and my dad hooked me up with an accessible room, everybody was dead tired especially my dad because he had drove for ten hours.
On the last day of our long haul, we took our time because there were only three hours left to go before we got to the power soccer camp. So we decided to have breakfast at Cracker Barrel and then check out the Falls in Sioux Falls. The Falls were pretty cool for pictures but that was about it. When we finally got to the camp, my parents started unpacking all of the luggage into the cabin that we were going to stay in. The only problem was that the cabin was the furthest away from the cafeteria and gym and down a big steep hill, a little too steep for wheelchairs. Luckily my dad would sometimes drive us over there in his truck when it was a little rainy. All of the cabins were pretty big because it was a family camp. Later on, my old rival from San Antonio, Corey, came in the cabin with his coach Jennifer and his parents and said hi to me. He also said that they drove in all the way from San Antonio with a trailer. He was able to bring his F-3 with him. That evening we just stayed in our room and rested. We could have gone to the camp fire and had smores after our dinner but nobody really wanted to because we were all kinda exhausted and I needed to get some gbutton food for the energy. The next time we drive to camp hopefully we will have an accessible camper so that we will be comfortable during the long drive cause I definitely want to go again next year...more to come on Part 2!
Looking forward to part 3, your dad did alot of driving that first day, remind him next time to fix the antenna. And what is wrong with Don Williams,just add a little Carrie and Meranda to the mix.
ReplyDeleteLove PaPa
Cameron Im so excited to hear about soccer camp from an insider perspective. You have a really nice knack for writing. Thanks for posting