Friday, July 29, 2016

My dad is the new mom

While I was away at Camp Blessings and having a blast and Caleryn was at Nanna and papas, my mom was having knee replacement surgery and was in pain. Once me and Caleryn got home, it was time for my dad to be mom for a few days. It was kind of funny to see my dad do what she does everyday! My dad wanted to go back to his work after a day of being secondary mom. Pretty much all we are eating is processed junk foods and HungryMan TV dinners since my mom can't cook anything! Sometimes he'll get us a gourmet meal from Chick–Fill–A. #imissmymomscooking! My dad mainly was annoyed by all of the demands from Caleryn and my mom and Chewy. Chewy seems to go crazy every time Caleryn is around and she starts jumping on mom's hurt leg. I don't think my dad was annoyed by me as much as them. It is also funny to watch my mom having to do physical therapy for her knee! I might act like I'm Jillian Michals when she does therapy. Anyway I hope this surgery will make at least one of her knees not hurt so bad and walk better too. 

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