Sunday, July 19, 2015

Camp Smiles: blog #1

Camp was kind of was a war between me and Tray (my counselor buddy) and Charles (counselor) and his camper, Ryan because everytime we got in the pool, me and Tray would always tackle Charles in the pool. I was a little torcheror to Charles because when our cabin went to play paintball there was a challenge to hit a metal plate that spins and if you hit it in two hits, a buddy who ever you pick has to eat a paintball! Of course, l didn't hit it but that first time l was so close to hitting it. At the end of paintball, l saw that l was storing a paintball in my chair and then l had a idea to put the paintball in Charle's lunch! When it got to lunchtime, l told Tray to put the paintball in his lunch while he was away and so he did. When Charles came back he caught it! Oh well, maybe next year l will get him with a paintball at the other camp for older kids if he's there because l finally graduated from camp smiles!

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